Hot wax by peron riggot

Classic Bikini Hot Wax: 20 MINUTES | £27

(Removes hair outside bikini line - top, a little in the crease of the leg & front only

Extended High Bikini Hot wax: 25 MINUTES | £37
Hair is removed high from the 2 side panels going in narrow at the bottom. Top and hair just underneath are removed)

Californian Hot wax : 30 MINUTES | £47
(Same as the Classic Bikini wax and including the crack & cheek)

Front Brazilian/Hollywood Hot wax : 30 MINUTES | £48
(Front only - Brazilian Landing strip or Hollywood All off (includes any hair underneath just onto the cheeks)

G String Hot wax: 35 MINUTES | £52
(includes the Extended High Leg & the back crack and any noticeable hair on the cheeks)

Full Brazilian Hot wax: 45 MINUTES | £57
(A thorough wax that removes everything back & front, crack & cheeks, leaving a thin landing strip on the pubic bone)

Full Hollywood Hot wax: 45 MINUTES | £57
(Completely bare, A thorough wax that removes everything - back, front and includes crack & cheeks  - All off)



Under Arms: 20 MINUTES | £20
(Hot wax)

Half Arms: 20 MINUTES | £22
(Hot and Strip Wax)

Full Arms : 30 MINUTES | £28
(Hot & Strip wax - Hands and Fingers)

Naval Line : 10 MINUTES | £12
(Hot and Strip Wax)

Stomach & Navel Line: 15 MINUTES | £20
(Hot and Strip Wax)

Full Stomach with Bust & Chest: 30 MINUTES | £40
(Hot and Strip Wax)

Small of Back : 10 MINUTES | £13
(Hot and Strip Wax)

Full Back & Neck: 40 MINUTES | £40



Lower Legs: 25 MINUTES | £30
(Strip wax - Includes knees and feet)

Upper Legs: 25 MINUTES | £38
(Includes strip & hot wax)

Full Legs: 45 MINUTES | £45

Back of Thighs & Inner Thighs: 20 MINUTES | £25
(includes hot & strip wax)

Back of Thighs or Inner Thighs (strip wax): 10 MINUTES | £16



Hot Wax Only

Lip: 15 MINUTES | £15

Chin: 10 MINUTES | £15

Neck: 15 MINUTES | £15

Cheeks: 15 MINUTES | £15

Sides of Face: 15 MINUTES | £15

Brow Shape: 15 MINUTES | £20

Forehead: 15 MINUTES | £15

Sides of Face & Cheeks: 30 MINUTES | £25

Brow Tidy & Forehead : 30 MINUTES | £25

Lip & Chin: 25 MINUTES | £27

Lip, Chin, Neck, Cheeks, Forehead & Sides of face : 55 MINUTES | £60

Lip, Chin, Neck, Cheeks, Brows, Forehead, Sides of face : 60 MINUTES | £80

For the most effective results we recommend that you:

  • Refrain from use of sunbed before or after waxing.

  • When Pregnant, Extreme Intimate waxing is recommended after 20 - week scan.

  • Allow the hair to grow for at least 4 - 6 weeks before re-waxing.

  • Refrain from sunbathing at least 48 hours after waxing. Skin sensitivity is more likely during extremely hot weather.

  • Apply a good sunscreen minimum SPF 20 after waxing.

  • Avoid hot showers or baths before or after waxing treatments and avoid the use of body scrubs at least 2 - 3 days before or after waxing.

  • Refrain from waxing treatments if you have Diabetes or use Retin A.